The team


Direction – conservation

Claire-Marie Vandermensbrugghe (c.vdmensbrugghe@mpmm.be)


Education department

Anne-Lise De Longueville (a.delongueville@mpmm.be)

Pascal Saint-Amand (p.saintamand@mpmm.be)


Scientific research

Aurélie Stuckens (a.stuckens@mpmm.be)


Visitor reception

Audrey Questiaux (info@mpmm.be)

Valentine Piette (info@mpmm.be)



Maryline Lamontagne (m.lamontagne@mpmm.be)



Management board


Axel Tixhon



Thierry Bodlet, Mélodie Brassinne, Laurent Brion, Camille Castaigne, Jessica Donati, Victor Floymont, Richard Grebeude, John-Laurent Neve, Christian Pacco, Jean-Baptiste Raty, Alain Rinchard, Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani, Dries Tack, Ilse Vackier


The objectives of the association

Besides the mediaeval Meuse our aims are:

  • To preserve and enhance the local, regional and even cross-border heritage
  • To reaffect a listed monument which is also a public property
  • To provide play-centred teaching for children and whole family groups.
  • To help to enhance a cultural tourism of quality
  • To make scientific research accessible
  • To provoke and kindle thought and feelings regarding a long-lasting regional development
  • To network the medieval sites owned by Wallonia (Crèvecœur and Poilvache) 


Our partners

With the support of:


Our tourism, cultural and social partners :